Posts in Locavore's Digest
In Vino Veritas

“In wine lies the truth.”

The common understanding of this phrase is that people under the influence of wine are more likely to speak their mind and tell the truth. For me, far more interesting, the quote also implies that while drinking wine one will find the truth - quite a different proposition. However, both interpretations tend to give wine a mysterious, almost supernatural, quality.

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Circumnavigating Newfoundland in 10 Days

Generally, I’m not given to hyperbole or what looks like “hype”(which in this case, it isn’t), but this trip had such an extraordinary combination of personalities, staggering scenery and history, good humour, and, of course, interesting foods that I couldn’t resist enthusiastically expressing my overall pleasure and satisfaction in this essay. I truly expect Sue and I will be on board again with Adventure Canada… and soon.

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